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Steps to greater happiness

Here we are at week 3 of my ideas on steps to happiness. I would love to hear what you think of the steps so far. This week I am going to focus on harnessing your strengths Step 3 Using your strengths can help you to feel good about yourself and can really improve your wellbeing. There are two types of strength: character strengths and performance strengths. Studiesof positive psychology shows that finding new ways of using your strengths can lead to greater happiness and lower levels of depression. Professor Alex Linley suggests the following questions to help you to identify your strengths:

1. What are you doing when you are at your best? 2. What do you find easy and are naturally good at? 3. When do you feel most alive? What energises you? 4. What sort of skill do you pick up effortlessly? 5. What do you do just for the love of it? 6. What are you passionate about? 7. What makes you feel "This is the real me"? 8. What were you good at as a child? How does it show up in your life now? 9. What are you doing when you are "in flow" or fully in the moment?

If you would like further support on rebalancing your life and coping with stress or anxiety then please get in touch www.

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