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Wellbeing in schools


Positive staff wellbeing is vital for growing a mentally healthy school, for retaining and motivating staff and for supporting wellbeing of pupils and their attainment. The most recent teacher Wellbeing Index by Education Support found that 72 per cent of respondents described themselves as stressed (rising to 84% for senior leaders), with a worrying 78 per cent reporting behavioural, psychological or physical symptoms due to work issues. This compares with 60% of people in other professions.

54% of respondents have considered leaving the sector in the past two years due to pressures on mental health.

Research by Education Support found that only 27 per cent of respondents said they had access to services that can support them with stress related health issues. Without access to support it is unlikely that these figures will improve.

Balanced Horizons support for schools


Having being part of the school community for over 25 years as a Teacher, SENDCo, parent and governor I have a good appreciation of the demands of busy school life. I am passionate about providing professional and well researched coaching and training programmes to improve the wellbeing in schools. The following programmes are an example of what I can offer to support your school. All programmes can be adapted to fit the requirements of your school.

  • 1:1 wellbeing life coaching for any members of staff or parents who would benefit from individual face to face support with all areas of wellbeing and stress management. I have a relaxing coaching room in Wirral that can provide the time and space away from the day to day stresses of everyday life to focus on the individual’s wellbeing needs and coach them towards a more balanced life. Alternatively I can provide 1:1 life coaching in school if that's preferred by the client. Click on the link below for examples of the programmes I provide. 

  • Wellbeing Workshops I have experience in providing stress management and resilience workshops to many in the school community including headteachers, teaching staff, non teaching staff and parents. Programmes are designed to fit with the financial and budgetary constraints within schools ranging from 2.5 hour workshops to 9 hour programmes run over a 6 week period enabling greater support for making positive change. To see examples of the workshops please click below.

  • Mindfulness programmes I offer a 2 hour introduction to mindfulness plus a 6 week course. The course is designed for a group of up to 10 people looking at defining mindfulness, mindful breathing, the negativity bias, gratitude, happiness, self compassion and mindfulness in everyday life. Group members get access to recorded meditations as well as a certificate of attendance. More details of the Mindfulness courses can be accessed by clicking the link below.


I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the wellbeing of your staff and how I can best support your school.

"Your life only gets better when you do. Work on yourself and the rest will follow."
Becky Squiers
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